National league competition for FYROM

With great success and 3 tasks flown ended this year’s AIOLEIA XC competition
No surprise on the podium places the Valic brothers 1st and 2nd and Primoz Podobnik in 3rd place.
The organizing committee would like to thank all pilots for participating and supporting this event hope to see you again.

Wednesday 20/6/2007 – Training Day

Pilots start arriving from Monday to train for the competition. The weather was very good from the beginning of the week so most of them had the chance to fly and train in the area for the competition some of them had flights more than 5 hours long
So at the training day perfect conditions and most of the pilots present at the start the cloud base around 2500m. The forecast was for sunny weather until the end of the week with temperature to increase more at the weekend with possibility of overheating. 
Unfortunately a minor accident during the landing on that day kept last year’s winner of the competition Mr Joachim Skondras out of the competition.

Thursday 21/6/2007 Day 1 – Task 1 (72,4km)

The first day of the competition is fact all 145 registered pilots are at the take of ready to fly. The forecast is for light north – northwest winds and the sea breeze in the afternoon. The task committee sets an ambitious task along the mountain ridge. Windows open at 13:15 and within 30 minutes most of the pilots are airborne. Air start at 14:00 and all pilot are heading for the first turn point the competition is on. 31 Pilots reached goal with Aljaz Valic first at goal with Yigit Yildirim from Turkey second the surprise of the task.



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