DRAMA Paramotor Sky Race 2011 OPEN
1st National Paramoter Race
29 April – 1st May
The Airclub Aiolos(Aeolos) Drama invite you to the first National competition called Paramotor Sky Race 2011 Drama OPEN, the last weekend of April, starting on 29 April until 1st May.
The venue of the competition is the Panorama Airfield, located close by the city of Drama.
The invitation applied to ALL paramotor pilots REGARDLESS of their skill level.
Tasks of navigation and landings accuracy will be included specially adjusted to the current level of participants.
Our aim is to have also products exposure related to our sport and for this reason.
The organization will be more than happy to welcome companies and dealers of relevant products to expose their equipments in area into the competition place that will be specifically prepared.
Don’t miss this special event!
Registration form for dealers
Registrated dealers list
You can find all the details about the competition in the following Local Rules document.
Local Rules
For informations you can call:
Ioannis Ioannidis 0030 6944528947 (President of Αirclub)
Anestis Paliatsos 0030 6974849005 (Instructor of Airclub & Paramotor pilot)